Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Skewed Priorities?

It says something for my lack of attention that I completely forgot to mention that I have also managed to injure my head, thereby incurring 5 stitches as the Penalty to Pass GO and play again. The circumstances are not going to be elaborated here. Suffice to say, it is not something I would rather do again!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Reading...And Book reviews

Last weekend, I did not really feel inclined to do much socializing or going out anywhere. So of course, the obvious option was to read. Its been a while since I spent time just reading completely for a weekend, so got some opportunity to catch up on fantasy novels!
So far, have finished Terry Brooks series called Word Vs Void, which is a series about a confrontation between order and chaos, and two hapless people caught at the centre of it. If you like Terry Brooks style of writing, I guess it was standard, but since I don't I just have to admit that I found it pretty dreadful
The next series is this set of 7 books called the Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher. It shows that Fantasy Fiction is a grown up genre, when you can have sub genres in it. And a Wizard Private Investigator of film noir style is rather niche indeed! The series started well, and although a wee bit like a soap opera, its very very decent. Jim Butcher has ability, and writes with skill. Good enough that I have finished 7 of his books over the last 3 days.
All in all, a total of 14 books for the week. Rather good going, i say...even for my rather extravagant overdoses. The other books were a series by Leo Frankowski about an engineer dumped into 13th Century Poland, and River of Death, an Alistair McLean, which really disappointed me. McLean is way better than that book....and it was the only one of his that I had not read before...and it was lousy!
well, that is it for now....I would suggest that anyone who can get a copy of Jim Butcher do so...he is rather decent!